This is how we did our tests

All tests were performed on June 3, 2020 and test results may vary from day to day. We have tried to be fair in the tests in order to present as accurate data as possible. There are factors outside the power of a hosting company that can make the tests vary and it has to do with everything from which ISP, Country or computer you run the tests from.

Instead of using a slimmed-down WordPress theme designed to load as quickly as possible, we have simulated a real site that has images, runs css frameworks and has javascript that runs e.x jQuery.

And not all images and areas are 100% optimized for the smallest pixels, but again, the real world reflects how many WordPress pages actually look. It is exactly the same site that has been tested on each hosting platform (our own and others).

The starting point for these tests is to show the difference between buying a web hotel that is more or less generic for all types of sites to a provider like Velumi where we specialize in WordPress and where each site has its own resources and does not share these with others. .

We have compared our Start package with similar packages from the different suppliers, they have had a special “WordPress package” so we have used it to compare with.


We used Pingdom’s speed test and run a test every 15 minutes for an hour to get an average speed. Read more about Pingdom here.

Here you can also get Pingdom’s own score from our tests on how they think the site performs on each platform.

  • Velumi – 94
  • One -81
  • Loopia -83
  • GoDaddy – 92
  • Binero – 88

Google Page Insight

The tests show an average value of 3 different runs, carried out every 15 minutes.